Whoa - a post!

I haven't posted anything in a long time. But its not like I haven't been doing anything. I finished a genie doll in August and entered him in a online challenge on the Glittering Threads group. Then he was entered in the Puyallup Fair and won a blue ribbon. It is my first blue ribbon.

I spent November writing 50000 words in the NaNoWriMo.org challenge. I managed to get the finish line right at the end. That is pretty much all I did in November in addition to work. I would write wherever we went with pad and paper or laptop if I was lucky to have it with me. I have had a laptop stolen before so I'm uneasy about bring it with me unless I know it will be attached to me at all times. So I was a winner there too. It was a lot of fun and I'm still working on my novel.

Now I am working on insulated roman shades for my great room. Not a bad project except nearly all the windows are huge picture windows. I bought 20 yards of fabric and now need the batting too. This will be a huge undertaking but I want to be finished by the end of December. If I can write 50000 words in a month then I must be able to sew up some curtains.


What I'm Doing

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