Sad day

I had to put my dog, Rocky, down today. He suddenly couldn't walk last week and went down hill quickly. Rocky was a 3 legged dog due to a hunter adjacent to our property shot him in the leg. The vet thinks it was more than arthritis, probably cancer. He went calmly and quietly. I'm going to miss my buddy.


Cheryl said...

Yes, such a sad day. Rocky looks like he was a wonderful companion. I agree with your picture of him playing and pain free.

Karen Mallory said...

I am so sorry Annette. He was a great looking dog. I lost my doggie about four years ago now. We had her for twenty years. It is like loosing a child.
hugs Karen

dingy said...

So sorry to hear about your buddy Rocky. He is now somewhere over the Rainbow Road playing like a puppy. Blessed be.

dolphinlady said...

Thanks Cheryl, Karen, and Sandra. I really miss him. He was a really sweet dog.


Oh, my heart goes out to you in the loss of your 4 legged buddy! I've always had dogs and love them! I know just how you feel. I don't have a dog now...only two very noisy parakeets. Think of him being happy and more pain!


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